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TUCOWS.COM comment: Spend some time from friends, or a computer opponent, over a cool game of Tic Tac Toe! Choose between 3 levels of game play, as well as the Crosses or Zeroes option. You can even choose the skill level of your opponent! Extensive help and user support is available for those who need some extra assistance - but you may not need it! This game is fun as well as easy to play. A nice game for anyone - small in size and a good download.

A modern implementation of the classic board game.
The program has a unique option which is the ability to choose level of the computer's plaing strenght (one of three available).
Also you can play against both the computer and a human as well as choose names and figures for opponents and specify who moves first.
The program has a comprehensive help system and users support.

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HARDart design studio